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Our suppliers

As one of the leading European manufacturers of sealing systems for cables, pipes and house entries, we are committed to continuous improvement and to establishing and reliably maintaining consistently high quality standards. This also includes supplying all branches of the Hauff-Technik Group in Germany and abroad with the optimum goods at the right time in order to guarantee delivery reliability for our customers. For our products, we rely on high-quality materials and raw materials that are offered at prices customary on the world market and are delivered reliably.
We work together with our suppliers as part of strategic partnerships in long-term relationships and on an equal footing. Especially in a market that is subject to constant change, maximum success in terms of costs, quality, service and innovation can only be achieved by working together.
As a matter of principle, we are not satisfied with what we have achieved, which is why the consistent development of existing suppliers with regard to the ongoing optimization of products, production and procurement processes to shorten throughput times and continuously reduce costs is also very important to us in the context of supplier management.
As a further success factor for cooperation, we support standardized processes and the integrated execution of all automatable business processes with the help of information and communication technology. In this way, we jointly increase competitiveness in order to offer end customers added value.
We have a decades-long business relationship with many of our qualified and motivated suppliers. This is a fundamental component of Hauff-Technik's success.


We will be happy to personally take care of your questions, requests or application as a supplier.

Contact us via

or get in touch with the employee you know.

Our purchasing strategy

Our purchasing strategy is orientated towards the company's objectives and the corporate strategy developed on this basis.Maintaining and increasing competitiveness is a key component of this.Our purchasers develop a customised product group strategy for each of their materials, taking the following points into account:

  • Quality awareness is the central element in this respect
  • Risk minimisation in the supply chain, e.g. through a two-supplier policy
  • Automation of data exchange
  • Sustainability and consistent adherence to corporate compliance

Our suppliers are therefore a key criterion for our competitiveness. With our purchasing strategy, we want to establish long-term cooperation with the best companies in their sector, achieve our growth targets and successfully place our product innovations on the market.

When working with our suppliers, the quality delivered must match the quality of our own products and standards. This is the only way we can fulfil the high expectations of our customers together. Only in this way is it possible for us to fulfil the high expectations of our customers together. We evaluate our suppliers at regular intervals according to four criteria in order to fulfil our requirements in the long term:

  • Purchasing (quantities and adherence to delivery dates)
  • Quality (complaint rate and certifications)
  • Purchasing performance (payment and delivery terms)
  • Flexibility (customer requirements and co-operation)

We categorise our suppliers on the basis of this assessment. The result enables us to better assess the potential of our suppliers. We then determine which suppliers we should develop further and agree targets and specific measures with you.

Our expectations

What we expect from you for the benefit of our customers:

  • Transparency and openness in the business relationship
  • A high level of development and innovation expertise, which is actively incorporated into the development of our products
  • Compliance with legal regulations on health and environmental protection, occupational safety and quality assurance
  • Awareness of corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Compliance with our code of conduct for suppliers
  • Active cooperation in the joint implementation of cost reduction measures
  • Guarantee of consistently high product quality
  • Willingness to continuously optimize processes
  • High level of logistics expertise and reliability in the supply of goods and services/reduction of delivery times and increasing flexibility in supply
  • IT-supported exchange of information
  • Competitive prices that are comparable with the global market

How to become a supplier?

How to apply as a supplier

Do you have innovative ideas that can take us forward together? Are you interested in a long-term and cooperative partnership? If you meet our high expectations and want to work successfully with us as a partner, you can simply apply to become a supplier:

In order to get to know you as a potential supplier and to become aware of you, we ask you to complete our supplier self-assessment with all associated documents as a first step. Please note that a fully completed form is a basic requirement for inclusion in our list of suppliers.

Note: The more comprehensive and up-to-date your data is, the better we can evaluate you as a supplier and select you for suitable inquiries.

We will of course treat this information confidentially and only use it for internal purposes. Your request will then be forwarded to the responsible contact person and a supplier profile will be created based on your details. If we have a requirement in your area, we will contact you directly. You will then receive our initial inquiry the next time you have a suitable requirement. If our requirements and your offer match and the initial samples meet our quality requirements, we will then add you to our supplier pool.

Please note: We can only consider applications from suppliers who offer materials and services that match our product portfolio. We ask for your understanding in this regard.

Responsibility towards the customer is always our top priority, which is why the supplier decision/approval is always the responsibility of the purchasing department.

Do you have any questions?

We will be happy to deal with your issues personally

In case of an application as a possible supplier please contact us via:

Our subsidiaries have their own central e-mail addresses:

If you have any questions, issues or requests regarding current procurement processes, please contact the responsible person in Purchasing with whom you have been in contact in previous correspondence.You will usually find the contact information at the top right of our inquiries and orders or in the e-mail signature.